COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Virus and Vaccination Updates

Effective May 9, 2022, Affinity Health Group will no longer require our patients and visitors to wear masks at our Affinity locations, unless the patient or visitor is symptomatic for COVID-19. If symptomatic, one should wear a mask while they are in the clinic. Symptoms identified by the CDC are: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.


10/18/2022 – New Pfizer bivalent boosters are now available! This booster dose can be given 2 months after last dose of any COVID vaccine.

Affinity Health Group is a COVID-19 vaccination provider and offers both Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines at our Affinity Clinic at Oliver Road. Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is approved for ages 5 and older while Moderna vaccine is approved for ages 18 and older. Booster doses are also available based on current guidelines and recommendations.

Pediatrics Plus is a designated COVID vaccine provider site and offers the Pfizer COVID vaccine to anyone ages 5 and older.

Today, both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have full FDA approval.

Please call the Affinity COVID vaccine hotline to schedule your appointment: (318) 966-9000 or check the LDH website for other locations offering the vaccine.

Visit the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) website for information and updates regarding COVID vaccination. If you have any concerns about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccine, please speak with your primary care provider or a member of the Affinity Health Group Immunization Team which can be reached at the number listed above. There is no out-of-pocket expense for the vaccine.


If you have had exposure to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms noted by the CDC, contact your healthcare provider by telephone to discuss your care. Your provider can advise you of the appropriate way to seek testing and/or treatment. By making that call, you may be limiting exposure to the COVID-19 virus for patients with chronic conditions who are at high risk for serious illness and who may be in your provider's waiting room.

The Affinity Walk-In Clinic offers COVID testing every day. Rapid testing may be available (as supplies permit) to patients who are symptomatic or those who have had close contact exposure. There is no out of pocket expense for COVID testing, however, you should check with your insurance company to verify your cost-share responsibilities that may apply to your office visit or telemedicine visit.